You know, we do a lot for others. We text our friends to check in; we order an extra pack of lunch for a friend at work, and we smile at strangers (even if it’s through a half-yawn on a super sleepy morning). And that’s all great! Those little kindnesses add up. But here’s a question I’ve been sitting with lately: when was the last time I did something kind for myself?

Not the big stuff. Not the spa day you plan once in a blue moon or the expensive gift you justify on your birthday. I mean those everyday, unplanned, random acts of self-kindness. The kind that doesn’t need a reason. Like buying yourself that ₹20 rose from the flower seller just because it makes you smile. Or taking the longer route home because, hey, you like how the city looks in that soft, golden evening light.

For me, it is as small as permitting myself to skip that never-ending to-do list one evening. Instead of folding the laundry or catching up on emails, I make a hot cup of tea, pull out my favorite old book, and just sit by the window. No agenda. No productivity. Just the sound of traffic, the warmth of the cup in my hands, Momo just walking around or even sleeping on my lap and the gentle comfort of familiar pages. It is nothing extraordinary, but it feels like a super deep breath in the middle of a sprint.

Sometimes, self-kindness is that tiny rebellion against the chaos. It’s ordering an extra vada pav because, frankly, one is never enough. It’s playing your old playlist and dancing around like no one is watching. It’s letting yourself off the hook when you forget to reply to messages, choosing not to guilt-trip yourself for being human.
The thing is, these little acts of self-kindness aren’t just “nice to have.” They’re necessary. They fill you up when you’re running on empty. They add a bit of softness to your otherwise jagged days. And honestly, the kinder you are to yourself, the better you show up for everyone else too.
So, if you’ve been waiting for a sign to do something nice for yourself, THIS is it. Take that detour, eat that pastry, call it a day early. Life’s too short not to treat yourself like someone worth caring for.
And if you find me somewhere, wrapped up in an unapologetically slow moment, probably with a warm cup of coffee and a book, just know I’m quietly practising what I hope to preach more.